• NTNU, Norway
    Coordinates the iFermenter project.
  • We produce antimicrobials
    Nisin is an important antimicrobial that protects food from pathogens.
  • iFermenter promotes circular economy
    We will exploit by-products from forestry.
  • Corynebacterium
    These cell factories are safe and effective microbes.
  • Borregaard, Norway
    Norway's largest bio-refinery.
  • We exploit by-products
    The microbes will consume sugars from pulp industry.
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New publication in the HealthCare Industries BW!

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The Healthcare Industries BW is part of BioPro Baden-Württemberg GmbH, a a state agency of Baden-Württemberg that supports transformation of economy and society by focusing on the healthcare industry and a cross-sectoral shift towards a bioeconomy. Our iFermenter activities has … Continued

Another major Milestone of iFermenter accomplished

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Together with partners from NTNU, NMBU, DTU and Saarland University, our P-brick team at Ulm University has managed to successfully produce nisin, our second demonstrator product, using C. glutamicum. In their study by Weixler et al. (https://rdcu.be/cGEPK) they decribe a two-step … Continued

iFermenter Digital Conference 2021

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The first iFermenter conference held digital. Planned to be in Ghent, Belgium, it was transformed to Digital conference. The meeting held important circular bioeconomy updates and decision, and plenary speakers from the companies BASF, CORBION and Alginor gave presentations about strategies related to … Continued

New International Journal article!

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Our teams in NTUN and TUW has just published a high quality paper in the Journal of Process Control, Elsevier. The article deals with ‘soft sensor’, an estimator that integrates data across many probes and devices, and produces reliable results … Continued